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Information pursuant to EU Regulation no. 2016/679 GDPR

(General Data Protection Regulation)

Dear Customer / Supplier,

according to the legislation indicated above, the processing of your data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.

In accordance with EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and in particular the related art. 13, we hereby provide the following information:

  1. Who we are and what information we collect

The Tec Service Italy srl, in the person of its legal representative pt, based in Modica (RG) – cap 97015 – Dell’Artigianato Avenue, n. ° 27, tax code and PI 01213560889, operates as a data controller and, in general, includes the following data communicated by you (as a supplier or customer) as part of trade agreements with the Owner:

  1. Data provided by the User
  2. Data that automatically collect
  3. data communicated by you (Supplier / Customer: Interested):
Data Category Exemplification of data types
Personal data full name, social security number, home address
Contacts fixed and / or mobile phone, address / email, pec
Banking data IBAN and bank / post data

If you provide personal information to third parties, such as those of your family members or friends, must be sure that these individuals are sufficiently informed and gave their consent to data processing in the information described in this mode.

  1. data that we collect automatically:
Data Category Exemplification of data types
Internet traffic data






Comments: When visitors leave comments on the site, we collect the data shown in the form of comments in addition to the visitor’s IP address and user agent string of the browser to facilitate the detection of spam.

An anonymised string created from your email address (also known as hash) can be supplied to the Gravatar service to see if you’re using. The privacy policy of the Gravatar service is available here: After approval of your comments, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of the review.

Google analitics: IP address, browser type, information on your computer, data relating to the current location (approximate) of the tool you are using; Data collected by using cookies or similar technologies.

Media: If images load on the website, you should avoid uploading images that include embedded location data (GPS EXIF). The website visitors can download and extract any data on the position of the images on the website.

Contact form

Cookies: If you leave a comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email address and website in cookies. They are used for your convenience so that you do not re-enter your information when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you have an account and get access to this site, a temporary cookie will be set to determine if your browser accept cookies. This cookie does not contain personal information, and is deleted when you close your browser.

When you log in, you will set several cookies to save your login information and your screen display options. The login cookie will last two days while cookies to screen options last a year. If the “Remember Me” selections, your access will continue for two weeks. If you exit from your account, the login cookie will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an extra cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include personal information, but simply indicates the ID of the article you just changed. It expires after one day.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (eg videos, pictures, articles, etc.). The embedded content from other websites behave exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited another website.

These web sites may collect information about you, use cookies, integrate additional third-party tracking activities and monitor the interaction with that embedded content, including the tracking of your interaction with embedded content if you have an account and you are signed in that website.

The data is required for the necessary treatments to the services offered by Tec Service Italy srl and, therefore, in case of refusal we will not give way to any contractual relationship.

  1. Purpose of data collection.

The personal data is provided in order to:

  • conclude commercial contracts with the Owner;
  • fulfill the pre-contractual obligations, contractual and tax arising from reports drawn up with you;
  • fulfill all its obligations under the national legislation, in particular the regulations on the safety of computer data or Community or the Authority’s orders;
  • exercise the rights of the owner or third parties, such as the right to legal defense.
  1. Personal data processing.

The processing of your personal data is realized by means of the operations indicated art.4 n. 2 GDPR and precisely: collection, recording, organizing, storing, retrieving, processing, modification, selection, retrieval, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction.

Your personal data are processed in both paper, both electronic and / or automated.

The holder shall process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above and for no more than 11 years after termination of employment for Service Purposes.

  1. Data access

Your data will be made available:

  • employees and collaborators of the Holder in Italy and abroad;
  • to other companies or other entities, in Italy and abroad, who perform outsourcing activities on behalf of the owner, in their capacity as external managers. Among those categories, for example: accounting firms, tax studies, in relation to the holding of the company’s records, the financial statements of the holding, accounting processing, etc .; clients, as part of the contract / subcontracts; banks and credit institutions for the management of payments and wages; maintenance company hardwere and softwere in relation to the necessary maintenance, improvements, etc. of the Company’s infrastructure; professionals, consultants, or service companies, working on behalf of our Company; public entities;
  • without the need for express consent, the owner can communicate your information to judicial authorities and to all other persons to whom the right to access data is granted by law.

There is no any form of dissemination of personal data.

  1. Who are the subjects of the treatment

The owner of the data is Tec ServiceItaly srl, with headquarters in Modica (RG), Viale Dell’Artigianato, n. ° 27, 01,213,560,889 PI; tel. 0932/902071,;, In its legal representative pro tempore, Mr Antonino Graziano, born in Ragusa, on 16/11/1956 and resident in Pozzallo (RG), Via Del Girasole, n. ° 10, tax code GRZNNN56S16H163M.

  1. The protection of your data

The data are stored and controlled, in accordance with the directions of the reference standards, through the adoption of appropriate preventive security measures designed to minimize the risks of loss and destruction, unauthorized access, treatment is not allowed and does not comply with finality for which the treatment is carried out.

  1. In your capacity as interested, you have the following rights

We inform you that, as an interested party, in addition to the right to claim to authority control, also has the rights listed below, you may exercise by addressing an appropriate written request to the data processor and / or the Data Processing Manager:

  • obtain from the holder, at any time, the following information:
  1. the existence or not of their personal data;
  2. when data are not collected from the interested party, all the information on their origin;
  3. the purposes and methods of data processing;
  4. the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of treatment instruments;
  5. the identification of the owner, manager and the representative appointed pursuant to art. 3, co. 1, GDPR;
  6. the persons or classes of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents;
  • get further:
  1. updating, rectification or integration of data;
  2. the cancellation, the limitation of data processing in the case of the conditions provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR, transformation into anonymous form or the block of data processed in violation of the law, including those for which it is not necessary to keep in relation the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed.
  • object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of data pertinent to the purpose of collection and processing of personal data provided for the purposes of commercial information or sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying market research or commercial communication. Each user also has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent given before the revocation;
  • get their personal information, consciously and actively provided or through the use of the service, in a structured format, common and readable by automatic device use, and send it to another data controller unimpeded.
  1. How to exercise the rights

You may at any time exercise their rights by sending:

  • a letter a / r: Tec Service Italy srl, Viale Dell’Artigianato, n. ° 27, 97015, Modica (RG);


  • an e-mail to

Tec Service Italia srl